Industrial Air Filtration Products

Filter cartridges for dust collectors

Filter cartridges for various industries.

We supply industrial filter cartridges for all dust collector types ranging from silo-top collectors, horizontally mounted cartridge collectors, pleated bag collectors, vertically mounted cartridge collectors, flat cell filter collector. We supply customized filters or standard filters for replacement.

With a range of more than 4.000 different filters and 25+ types of high-quality filter media, the portfolio provides air filtration solutions for various industries and dust types, including abrasive, toxic and explosive dust.

We provide replacement filters suitable for Donaldson, Camfil, Clarcor, Esta, Keller, Herding, Hengst, Scheuch, Mahle, Kemper, Intensiv Filter, WamGroup and other dust collectors.* We specialize in dust and fumes from cement, metal/aluminum, food & beverages, woodwork, chemicals, powder coating, plasma/laser cutting, sandblasting, textiles, welding and casting. 

In addition to that, we offer customized filter solutions and manufacture exclusive cartridge design for OEMs. Our filter cartridges are certified according to DIN60335-2-69 and EN779.


* Hengst SE is not affiliated in any way with these companies.